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Content Marketing in Ecommerce

content marketing

Content marketing for your own online shop

“Conversion is king!”

Content marketing isn’t just hype; it’s the future of e-commerce. Many of you have come across the saying “content is king” while researching the terminology of content marketing. That may certainly be the case, because the relevant content not only provides our web project with direct traffic but also with backlinks. But for e-commerce, “conversion is king,” and the content created is only a preliminary step towards our goal.

For online shop operators, what counts above all is the number of conversions to the created content and the achievement of break-even in this context. Since content marketing is subject to a healthy and long-term strategy, the question is difficult or impossible to answer.

In this blog post, we at SaphirSolution want to show you what is important in content marketing with regard to e-commerce and how you can ideally align your online shop and the integrated blog with the user. Here we go!

Content Aims: Nothing works without goals.

At the beginning of every planning process, goals are set. What do we want to achieve with the content strategy? – There are three possible goals for e-commerce in connection with content marketing:

New customer acquisition

Link building

– Monetization

The acquisition of new customers with content

With high-quality content marketing, you not only impress the customer but also reap the approval of various search engines, which reward us with exciting rankings. The customer is on the Internet looking for the perfect solution to his specific problem.

Exciting, funny, informative, and/or entertaining product and category descriptions bind the user to the website and signal the search engine: “Hey, look: my users like my site! For the search engine, this is an indication to drive even more visitors to the respective page.

The advice content at least ensures a flow of users and should keep an eye on the conversion funnel. With the right weighting of user benefits and sales arguments, the content not only brings more traffic but also ensures a nice conversation rate.

Link building through content

Everything that’s free and helpful spreads on the web: With your goods, you’re a specialist in your field. Show your knowledge in an e-book, which is available for free download in your shop: With this, you harvest relevant backlinks directly from your target group. This is how good content can be used to build links in a targeted manner.

You can use your social media channels to spread the content and draw attention to your giveaway. Exciting guest posts or white papers also help ensure that your content leads to links from other blogs and websites.

For Google and the like, these are again indications of a positive ranking and ensure not only direct but also indirect new users on the site.

Monetization with content

Monetization and conversion go hand in hand at this point, and one thing emerges from the equation: the customer catalogue, or the classic brochure. Here, you can work both offline and online with the appropriate landing pages.

With the compilation of products and topics, the product is packaged for the user in a fine and unobtrusive package of information and, above all, emotions—the ideal preparation for conversion!

The content creation

Once the goals have been set and the editorial plan has been developed, the content can be created. With today’s media, there are different forms of content and ways of using it. Images and text are particularly important for e-commerce.

But more and more online shops are including videos in the category description and personally presenting the products and their advantages to their customers. Different media enable different forms of representation, and this is where creativity is, of course, required.

What interests my target group?

How do I stand out from the competition?

Which media do I use for this?

Through which channels do I publish my content?

How do I ensure that users like to link to my content?

You should ask yourself these and many other questions during operational implementation so that the content ultimately leads to conversions.
Important! When it comes to category and product descriptions, you also write for people and not for the search engine.

Of course you should pay attention to the term weighting (WDF*IDF), but the focus should be on the user experience because people decide whether they pay attention to your page or cause high bounce rates.

Captivate the user with the tension in your content and make sure that he doesn’t get the idea that you can’t find the right solution to your problem. The quality of your content is the measure of everything!

The content distribution

The content on your site is of no use to anyone if nobody knows about it. Only when Google provides you with traffic can the content spread on its own. But the way to get there is long and difficult. Not everyone starts with a broad newsletter base or a large social media community.

But once these distribution channels have been set up, the distribution of your own content is child’s play, and multipliers carry the message much further out to the target group.

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