Facebook Dynamic Ads: Our Tips for Better Performance
Many online shop owners struggle to ensure that the right ads are shown to the right people. For this purpose, Facebook has developed the Dynamic Ads ad format, whose task is to make the operator’s work as easy as possible and to carry out his tasks as efficiently as possible. In the following blog post, we try to give you a better understanding of dynamic ads and how they work.
In general, Facebook Dynamic Ads automate the placement of Facebook advertising and thus make the seller’s work much easier. In addition to the reduced effort, Dynamic Ads are also about showing the advertising more effectively, insofar as, in the best case, the advertising is only shown to people for whom it is really relevant.
Benefits of Facebook Dynamic Ads
The Facebook Dynamic Ads offer a variety of advantages; for example, after they have been configured once with a catalogue, they can be automatically displayed by Facebook, thus completely relieving the provider of the work. Once configured, the prices, current availability, and possibly new offers are always updated.
It is actually much more interesting that the dynamic ads are only played to people who have already interacted with the product, service, or similar in some way, which enormously increases the probability of a purchase. The dynamic ads use certain criteria to select people who have in some way already indicated an interest in one of the products and send them the associated product. To do this, these people do not even have to have visited your website; it is sufficient if their behaviour on the Internet or their interests on Facebook indicate that they might also be interested in your products.
In addition to the target group specially selected by Facebook, the ads can also be played out like a simple retargeting campaign. In these cases, this means that Facebook automatically targets those who have either already put something in their shopping cart but then changed their mind or those who took a closer look at the items but then did not buy them. In this case, of course, the product from the catalogue that was viewed or placed in the shopping cart is played directly.
Possibilities of using Facebook Dynamic Ads
In addition to products or services, dynamic ads can also be used to advertise apps. Based on the interests of other app users, a potential target group can be evaluated, which is then shown an ad that leads directly to the download. Using this trick, they can significantly increase app installs.
Whether in real estate, travel, or, for example, electronic devices, dynamic ads can be used effectively in many industries. Put yourself in the role of a father-to-be who decides to buy a property. He searches the internet but doesn’t find anything suitable at first glance. The next day, he is on Facebook and gets an ad that shows him real estate in his area. Dynamic Ads recognises the needs of a Facebook user and takes advantage of this. The same can be applied to someone who is planning a trip or has thought about making one. He’s looking at some hotels but isn’t sure yet. Later, he too is shown an ad on Facebook, which, for example, advertises the hotel he has just looked at.
If you are integrated into an e-commerce platform, you can have Facebook automatically set up the dynamic ads for you. To do this, however, your website would have to have been created by a Facebook-supported partner, i.e., Shopify, Magento, or BigCommerce.
Our conclusion on Facebook Dynamic Ads
Facebook Dynamic Ads can generate huge profits as well as great time savings. Through the precise and individual assessment of the target group, the ads are played out very effectively, and you can play out advertising without a lot of work and without having a lot of background knowledge yourself.
At this point, we can offer you the opportunity to talk to us. In the free initial consultation, we will give you the information you need to answer the question of the profitability of Facebook advertising yourself.