Professional SEO Audit

SEO audit to find out more about your SEO status quo

Digital Marketing Director Consulting
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Professional SEO Audit

Benefits of SEO Audit

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6 di 50 membri del team con cui collaborerete

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Sebastian Denzin

Sebastian Denzin

Digital Strategist & CEO

Michael Wasem 2

Michael Wasem

SEO Manager

Alexander Hohl

Alexander Hohl

Head of SEO

Anna Herm

Anna Herm

Junior SEO Manager

Felix Hörmann

Felix Hormann

SEO Trainee

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Sin dalla sua fondazione nel 2012, SaphirSolution è cresciuta costantemente. Attualmente siamo un team di 60 persone distribuite in due paesi con piani di ulteriore espansione in Europa. Offriamo diversi servizi di performance marketing a piccole e grandi aziende.

SaphirSolution è orgogliosa di tutti i suoi progetti, piccoli e grandi.

Offriamo supporto a una varietà di clienti: startup appena avviate che vogliono scalare e crescere, aziende consolidate che vogliono digitalizzare il loro marketing e grandi aziende come Volvo, Polestar o Peugeot che vogliono ottimizzare le loro prestazioni di marketing digitale.

Siamo un'agenzia di performance marketing a servizio completo. Offriamo assistenza durante l'intero customer journey: dall'ideazione, alla realizzazione del sito web, alla gestione delle campagne di marketing, all'aumento delle vendite e dei lead.

I nostri servizi includono: SEO, pubblicità a pagamento (search, social media), gestione dei social media, marketing di affiliazione, sviluppo web, analisi web, ottimizzazione marketplace.
I nostri team lavorano insieme per identificare i problemi e sviluppare soluzioni non solo nel proprio ambito di lavoro, ma anche negli altri canali di marketing. Instauriamo sinergie tra i vari dipartimenti.

Ci riteniamo il tuo partner, un ramo del tuo dipartimento di marketing. Molto più di un rapporto tra cliente e fornitore di servizi.
Garantiamo assistenza ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. Il nostro approccio full-service diventa importante in quanto nel nostro team sono presenti specialisti per ogni settore del marketing digitale.
Il nostro obiettivo è di offrirvi la libertà di concentrarvi sulla strategia e sulla crescita della vostra azienda, delegando a noi i compiti operativi. Insieme, definiamo la migliore strategia di marketing digitale adatta alle vostre esigenze.

For a fast SEO Audit try our free SEO Quick Check!

You are not sure whether a comprehensive SEO audit is worthwhile for your company/your website? No problem, use our free SEO Quick Check and find out how your website / online shop is currently doing in matters of search engine optimization. Simply fill in the form below. We will get back to you with the results of the SEO Quick Check.

SEO Audit: The process of the analysis

Over 200 factors influence search engine rankings. The SEO Audit analyzes the current status of all subpages. For example, if you have an online shop with several thousand items, we check all subpages for potential SEO errors in the SEO audit, and the sources of error discovered are analyzed and prioritized.

We differentiate between quick wins and the long-term effect of well-implemented measures with the aim of starting search engine optimization in a resource-optimized manner.

1. The Free SEO Quick Check

For us, the free SEO Quick Check is an opportunity to assess whether the SEO Audit is worthwhile for your current situation or whether you should have a different approach. For this reason, we recommend everyone to take advantage of our 100% free SEO Quick Check.

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  • Consigli pratici SEO
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  • Inizia subito!

2. The On-Page SEO Crawl

With the on-page SEO crawl, we use various SEO tools to check your website for potential sources of error. We not only check meta data, internal links or the content, but also analyze the information architecture and show you what measures you can take to make the search engine understand better what your website is about. The on-page SEO crawl is therefore crucial for the overall SEO strategy.

As part of the on-page SEO crawl, the following points are checked, among others:

3. Technical SEO check

Often a hard-to-index page is due to faulty technical factors. Against this, we check your website for factors such as:

Costs of SEO audit

The costs of SEO audit depend on the scope of your website project. Extensive projects require significantly more effort to create the SEO audit. With the free SEO Quick Check, we can also make a statement about the scope of your site. We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding offer at this time.

SEO Audit → The SEO task list

The SEO audit defines the fields of action that should be implemented as part of the optimization. However, the results of the SEO audit also requires interpretation. With the experience from numerous projects, we know where the search engine bot is most likely to have issues and where you should start optimizing for SEO in order to bring your website into the top rankings.

Use our free SEO Quick Check now and benefit from initial (free) insights into your current SEO situation.

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