Consulenza Marketing Online

Professional Online Marketing Consulting within easy reach

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Consulenza Marketing Online

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7 of 50 team members you are going to work with

Initial Consultation

Sebastian Denzin

Sebastian Denzin

Digital Strategist & CEO

Frederic Renard

Frederic Renard

Head of Business Development

Anna-Lena Balling

Anna-Lena Balling

Online Marketing Consultant

Alessa Schmitz

Alessa Schmitz

Junior Online Marketing Consultant

Patrick Zens

Patrick Zens

Consulting Assistant

Rene Güttler

Rene Güttler

Director of Customer Success

Timo Hürten

Timo Hürten

Manager Customer Success

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Oltre 50 membri del team

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Sin dalla sua fondazione nel 2012, SaphirSolution è cresciuta costantemente. Attualmente siamo un team di 60 persone distribuite in due paesi con piani di ulteriore espansione in Europa. Offriamo diversi servizi di performance marketing a piccole e grandi aziende.

SaphirSolution è orgogliosa di tutti i suoi progetti, piccoli e grandi.

Offriamo supporto a una varietà di clienti: startup appena avviate che vogliono scalare e crescere, aziende consolidate che vogliono digitalizzare il loro marketing e grandi aziende come Volvo, Polestar o Peugeot che vogliono ottimizzare le loro prestazioni di marketing digitale.

Siamo un'agenzia di performance marketing a servizio completo. Offriamo assistenza durante l'intero customer journey: dall'ideazione, alla realizzazione del sito web, alla gestione delle campagne di marketing, all'aumento delle vendite e dei lead.

I nostri servizi includono: SEO, pubblicità a pagamento (search, social media), gestione dei social media, marketing di affiliazione, sviluppo web, analisi web, ottimizzazione marketplace.
I nostri team lavorano insieme per identificare i problemi e sviluppare soluzioni non solo nel proprio ambito di lavoro, ma anche negli altri canali di marketing. Instauriamo sinergie tra i vari dipartimenti.

Ci riteniamo il tuo partner, un ramo del tuo dipartimento di marketing. Molto più di un rapporto tra cliente e fornitore di servizi.
Garantiamo assistenza ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. Il nostro approccio full-service diventa importante in quanto nel nostro team sono presenti specialisti per ogni settore del marketing digitale.
Il nostro obiettivo è di offrirvi la libertà di concentrarvi sulla strategia e sulla crescita della vostra azienda, delegando a noi i compiti operativi. Insieme, definiamo la migliore strategia di marketing digitale adatta alle vostre esigenze.

Professional Online Marketing Consulting

Our professional Online Marketing Consulting brings the following benefits to:

Managing Directors – a dedicated marketing strategy for the success of every digital business

Marketing Managers – strategic and operational suggestions to take action in online marketing

Sales Managers – potential analysis for additional leads and new clients

SaphirSolution: your Online Marketing Consulting agency

As an online marketing agency for medium-sized companies and corporations, we have assisted our clients on operational issues and offered strategic advice and inputs since 2010. We have gained experience in numerous projects from different industries and have integrated our expert knowledge into our daily consulting services.

Our key advantage: we have hands-on experience and can quickly and easily implement the defined online marketing strategies thanks to our specialized online marketing team.

Our recipe for success: competent advice & individual consulting within easy reach

Advising means understanding. As online marketing consultants, we build the interface between your business model and online marketing opportunities. By understanding your business model and customers search behavior in detail, we are able to apply our expertise in online marketing to your business.

Industry expertise: we have operated in the following industries:

+ Automotive (Manufacturers and Suppliers)
+ Industrials (Plant & Mechanical Engineering)
+ Chemicals
+ Medicine
+ Human Resources
+ eCommerce
+ Finance & Insurance
+ Service Provider Personnel

For our online marketing analysis, we use professional technology partners:

+ Google Analytics
+ Google Data Studio
+ LeadPages

SaphirSolution: your professional full-service partner in digital marketing

Expertise since 2010

SaphirSolution has been involved in numerous web projects, ensuring success through its online marketing expertise since 2010.

Google Certifications

Our team proves itself at Google every year. Our AdWords services and online advertising are officially recognized and certified by Google.

30 minutes – our Quick Digital Talk, free of charge

Come and have a free 30-minute digital marketing consultation to get an idea of our services and know-how. Free of charge & non-binding!

Our online marketing consulting is ideal for companies that

Our online marketing consulting services

Our online marketing consultation is individually made for your company and adapted to your current situation. During the free of charge Digital Quick Talk, we ask the proper questions to assess your current online marketing.

You will receive our expert feedback directly, without any hesitations. Our range of services is always geared towards your needs and will be implemented at your request.

Ecco cosa dicono di noi i nostri clienti

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