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Professional keyword analysis

professional keyword analysis

Keyword Analysis: Sell more with the right keywords!

Keywords are the gold of the search engine. Users communicate with keywords. They express their feelings, make purchase requests, and show an interest in science. As an online marketing manager, it is about understanding the customer and identifying the intention behind each keyword analysis in order to answer the search query in the best possible way.

In this blog post, you will learn how to identify the keywords that drive your business forward. Here we go!

Different keyword types in keyword analysis

Search phrases could not be more different. In the field of search engine marketing (SEM), a distinction is made between:

– Short Tail Keywords (search phrases consisting of 1-2 words)
– Long Tail Keywords (search phrases consisting of >2 words)

It is crucial that you can evaluate search terms in the long-tail environment more specifically as part of the keyword analysis, since you receive significantly more information about the search intention here and can therefore respond more specifically to the search intention. Conversely, the market for long-tail keywords is not large – the search volume is significantly lower than for short-tail keywords, which are used by a large number of people to express their search intention.

Experience has shown that the competition for short-tail keywords is greater than in the long-tail environment. For this reason, in many cases, it makes sense to first focus on the long tail area when optimizing and to buy traffic here that is significantly cheaper and more specific.

Search intentions in keyword analysis

There is an intention behind every search query; no user uses the search engine for pure pleasure (except maybe we marketers). It is crucial to recognize these intentions and, in the best case, to convert them into interactions. The probability of conversion (e.g., conversion from an anonymous prospect to a buyer) always depends on the search intention.

We divide the search intentions into three areas:

Informational searches

Here, the user would like to collect information on a specific topic and improve their existing level of knowledge.

Navigational searches

The user is already familiar with an area and would like to know more about possible alternatives in order to get a better overview.

Transactional Searches

These are the most exciting search queries for us; here a clear transaction intention can be seen and the user is looking for a suitable provider. An example keyword could be: “buy Nike Air Max 38”.

But not every keyword can be easily identified in terms of search intent. Short-tail keywords, in particular, leave a lot of room for speculation. The search phrase “tennis shoe” could be informational, navigational, or even transactional. A good landing page responds to all three intentions with such short-tail keywords and already manages to convert the customer on one page.

Keyword analysis identifies the potential of companies in the search engine and is crucial for search engine marketing success. It is all the more important to use the right tools to identify the right keywords.

3 free tools for keyword analysis

Google offers three free tools for identifying suitable keywords, which we would like to introduce to you:

1. Google Trends

Google Trends is a wonderful tool for showing the development of a keyword’s search volume. Here you can quickly see seasonal developments, which you can then respond to within the budget planning of PPC campaigns.

2. Google Keyword Planner (AdWords)

The Google Keyword Planner provides information about how high the search volume behind a keyword is and what the competition is like. The click price (CPC) also gives you a monetary value for analyzing the profitability of the keyword based on the competition.

3.Google Suggestions

Google Suggest is not actually a tool, but a function of the Google search engine. Here, users have the chance to enter a search term, and related search queries are then suggested for the user. This can be helpful when doing keyword research.

Basically, the keyword analysis applies:

You should focus on transactional keywords with high search volume and little competition in order to be successful in search engine marketing. The keywords should be general enough to generate search volume, but specific enough to deliver conversions.

Evaluation of the keywords

If keywords were identified with the help of the tools, the following information should ideally be available: search volume for the keyword and existing competition.

The potential can be determined by these two key figures. Let’s remember: We want keywords with high search volumes and little competition. The key figure is the Keyword Efficiency Index (abbreviated: KEI). The KEI is calculated as follows:

KEI = (search volume)²/ competition

Keywords that have a good search volume-to-competition ratio have a good chance of ranking and delivering profitable traffic to the business.

The identification of the keywords via the two dimensions can also be carried out via other measured values, such as

– Transaction probability
– Conversion rate (from an AdWords account)
– Strategic importance

judge. Thus, an even stronger focus is possible.

With increasing competition, it is becoming more difficult to find good keywords. Rather, today it is about tapping customers in the navigational and informational areas because the click prices / the competition are even lower there. These users are then provided with the necessary information and brought into the transactional area by means of remarketing campaigns, or, in the best case, into the conversion. → That would be Keyword Analysis 2.0.


Keyword analysis is not a one-off project, but an ongoing process that can secure decisive competitive advantages for companies. We would be happy to support you with our expertise as part of the keyword analysis. Just get in touch with us!

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